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The Internet has connected everyone and now we are all connected to each other through the Internet. Our ability to charge smart devices wirelessly enables big data to get even bigger – from smart homes to smart buildings to smart cities. But the big question is – what's next? Is the target getting bigger or are we ourselves the next target?

Smart Cities: How PoE and IoT are forming into IoP

Our future cities will be super smart, powered by IoT, IoP and PoE. There are interconnected systems and devices that communicate with each other, autonomously. Planners will be able to collect and analyze a huge ton of data generated by smart urban platforms. Some of them use big data analytics to create solutions to improve the quality of life in their cities.


San Diego, California, is a perfect example. The city deployed an IoP platform with IoT and PoE managed components a few years ago. It uses a cable network to deliver power to thousands of interconnected LED lights. Such lighting systems have low demands and voltages, which makes them cheaper to use. PoE street lights are integrated into the city's IoT network, allowing them to be monitored and controlled remotely. Smart lamps are equipped with motion sensors to save energy by optimizing lighting based on the needs of each space. As a result, San Diego saves up to $250,000 or more annually in power costs.


In addition, the city has intelligent street lights capable of monitoring traffic or listening for criminal activity. Some of these smart lights have built-in PoE-powered video cameras, microphones and microprocessors that are part of the city's IoT. Because San Diego uses Ethernet as the primary medium for IoT connectivity, each connected device has a unique IP address. Smart infrastructure is therefore easier to maintain, manage and configure.


With San Diego's smart city system comes big data analytics to help with urban planning. Each of the platform's IoT sensors sends raw data to a cloud-based repository in real time. So the city can analyze huge chunks of data from PoE cameras, microphones and motion sensors. Using machine learning algorithms to analyze big data, planners can gain insight into pedestrian counts, traffic density, temperature and other information specific to each monitored location or area. Such intelligence is useful in many ways, including mobility planning, city development planning, real estate, and improving pedestrian safety.


When BIM Meets IoT, Data-Driven Architecture

With BIM, architects can efficiently assemble all building design components into a complete system. Professionals are now using IoT to simplify data collection and analytics for architectural design. We're starting to see smart buildings with interconnected PoE devices like thermostats, cameras, and motion-responsive lights. By integrating such IoT devices into BIM software, architects can collect and analyze building information before developing their technical drawings.
A typical process of designing an analytics-driven building begins with the deployment of interconnected sensors and applications. Such a system can monitor and record things such as the movement of people in a building, the use of interior spaces, energy consumption and the amount of natural light entering the building.


The design team can then use BIM software to analyze the data collected through the PoE sensors to create the best models for building owners or users. They could apply insight into the simulation of the structure before it is built. It is also possible to simulate multiple sustainability techniques and features for optimal construction performance. WeWork takes a similar approach by integrating analytics with architectural modeling to create jobs for the tech industry.


The real estate company collects and analyzes tons of architectural data, including geospatial information, around the world. Its real estate analysts use intelligence to identify projects worth snapping up based on proximity to things like shopping malls or transportation hubs. They also use tools such as application surveys and PoE room sensors to collect usage data from the properties they manage. By analyzing the data, the company's designers can see which building specifications are already working (for example, room configurations or desk arrangements). This analysis can then inform the design of similar types of spaces or properties.


PoE lighting and personal wellbeing progress controls

According to research, the amount of lighting we are exposed to (and the duration of exposure) can affect our psychological functions. For example, at home, high-quality lighting can improve sleep and mood. However, each person may have unique lighting conditions for optimal health and comfort. The good news is that IoT, along with PoE lights, can be used to regulate the lighting in a room based on everyone's specific needs.


In a project called the Swedish Healthy Home, researchers employed IoT to regulate home lighting and promote personal well-being. They created a network that includes PoE lighting to illuminate specific rooms based on user requirements. Each member of the household wears a special digital monitor that tracks their exposure to light throughout the day. It also observes how the light interacts with each person's biological system. The tracker sends the data to a mobile IoT device, such as smartphones.


Every time a member of the household returned home, the new IoT device automatically transmitted the data to the home's PoE lighting system. Smart lighting controls rely on data to autonomously deliver personalized lighting treatment for each person.


Are humans the next target for IoT connectivity?

The number of interconnected objects and devices continues to grow, from street lights in smart cities to motion sensors and LEDs in intelligent building systems. But we are also witnessing a gradual increase in the use of smart anomalies that are linked to centralized databases. For example, IoT-based personal heart monitors allow doctors to remotely monitor the health of their patients. Such "intelligent" devices are the future of healthcare and other industries. This begs the question, is IoT slowly moving towards us? Perhaps the next big thing in smart technology is humans becoming critical components of the IoT, just like smartphones and smart sensors? When everyone is part of these IoP, IoT and PoE-powered systems, we will all live on the Internet, literally!
